I’m happy to announce v1.2.0 of the zap cookbook.

The new feature is that zap_directory now supports filter similar to zap_users and zap_groups.

As Plato said “necessity is the mother of invention”, this came from the need to zap files from /etc/modprobe.d. The first pass of this was:

zap_directory '/etc/modprobe.d' do
  register :modprobe

modprobe is a simple custom resource that wraps a template. This zap’ed the resource I commented out for testing as I expected. But it also zap’ed /etc/modprobe.d/lockd.conf which comes with the nfs-utils RPM.

So I wanted to make sure that files delivered by RPMs don’t get removed. I could override collect but it seemed that filter was the cleaner approach.

# Remove files from /etc/modprode.d that we don't know about
zap_directory '/etc/modprobe.d' do
  register :modprobe

  filter do |path|
    # Keep vendor provided config files
    !shell_out("rpm -qf #{path}").status.success?

collect will accumulate paths that filter returns true. Since rpm -qf returns success if the path is part of an RPM, we only want to accumulate paths that are NOT part of an RPM. So we need to negate the result to get the desired behavior.

Happy chef’ing!